Community for
Organisational Sciences
in India
COSI Events
Join us for a fun filled eve at SIOP 2018
Dear Friends,
FIVE YEARS! Yes - it was in May 2014 that COSI was launched, during the SIOP conference in Hawaii. Since it was SIOP that laid the foundation for COSI, we have returned each year to it with a social event for our members and friends.
This year promises to be a continuation - and an expansion, if we dare to hope! - of this lovely community we have built over the last five years. Those of you who are planning to attend SIOP in Chicago, please come to our social event (details below and in the attached invite).
COSI Reception at SIOP hosted by Three Fish Consulting (thank you!).
Date: April 19 (Thursday)
Venue: Room Grant Park, at the Sheraton Grand Hotel (Chicago)
Time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
This will be a great opportunity for us to connect with each other, have some fun and partake in some libations and conversations! Please RSVP using this link and also feel free to share the attached invitation with others who are interested in becoming a part of the COSI movement for evidence-based management in India!
COSI executive member presentation at SIOP 2018 (Chicago)
Thursday, April 19 2018
Anthony Auriemmo, Theodore Hayes, Mac Quartatone, Peter Rutigliano, Comila Shahani-Denning
Nikita D'Souza, Aarti Shyamsunder, Aishwarya Ahuja
Richard N. Landers, Silvia Bonaccio, Markus Baer, Peggy Boyer, Robert Jeff Kollar, Chandra D. Miller, Shreya T. Sarkar-Barney, Tracey E. Rizzuto
4:00 PM
Superior A
4:30 PM Riverwalk
12:00 PM Sheraton 5
092 Special Event - SIOP Select: I-O Igniting Innovation
234 360 Degrees of Gray: The Impact of Gendered Feedback
229. The Road Not Taken: Career Choices in I-O
Friday, April 20 2018
Briana Pascarelli, Eric Bouillon, Joshua Brenner, Gina Schirripa, Kevin Masick, Comila Shahani-Denning
Nikita D'Souza, Aarti Shyamsunder, Aishwarya AhujaGabriel Stavsky, Tomuke Ebuwei, Kahlil King, Leslie Migliaccio, Comila Shahani-Denning
Michael S. Fetzer, Aarti Shyamsunder, William H. Macey, Beth G. Chung, Jana Fallon, Julie S. Nugent
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM Michigan B
980 Crowdsourcing Insights: Inclusion, Bias, and the Role of Culture
506. Perceptions of Leader Emotions During a Crisis: Does Gender Matter?
408. Performance Feedback: Does Delivery Person, Prior Relationship, and Direction Matter?
Aarti Shyamsunder
8-10:30 p.m. Ballroom.
Special Event. Shaken and Stirred
Shreya Sarkar-Barney, Anu Ramesh
Superior A Room
Practitioner Speed Mentoring: Driving a High Performance Culture
July, 2017
Busting Myths About Work with IO Psychology Research
COSI (Community of Organizational Sciences in India), in collaboration with the Dept. of Psychology, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Mumbai, invites you to this engaging and informative session.
Come test your assumptions about organizations, employees and what ‘works’ at work! Join three industrial-organizational psychologists for this event and learn more about the possibilities in the field of IO psychology.
Dr. Aarti Shyamsunder (Proprietor, Psymantics Consulting, Bangalore)
Dr. Comila Shahani-Denning (Professor, Hofstra University, New York)
Dr. Pradnya Parasher (Founder and CEO, ThreeFish Consulting)
Date: July 3rd, 2017 (Monday); Venue: St. Xavier's College Mumbai
Thursday, April 19 2018
Anthony Auriemmo, Theodore Hayes, Mac Quartatone, Peter Rutigliano, Comila Shahani-Denning
Nikita D'Souza, Aarti Shyamsunder, Aishwarya Ahuja
Richard N. Landers, Silvia Bonaccio, Markus Baer, Peggy Boyer, Robert Jeff Kollar, Chandra D. Miller, Shreya T. Sarkar-Barney, Tracey E. Rizzuto
4:00 PM
Superior A
4:30 PM Riverwalk
12:00 PM Sheraton 5
092 Special Event - SIOP Select: I-O Igniting Innovation
234 360 Degrees of Gray: The Impact of Gendered Feedback
229. The Road Not Taken: Career Choices in I-O
Saturday, April 21 2018
Comila Shahani-Denning, Benjamin Elman, Adrien Kollar, Shai Kopitnikoff
A. James Illingworth, Krystyn J. Ramdial, Michael Lippstreu, Alissa D. Parr, Michael R. Sanger, Aarti Shyamsunder
Shreya T. Sarkar-Barney,
Frank A. Bosco, Jr., Gilad Chen,
Catherine Ott-Holland, Neha Singla, Krista L. Uggerslev
11:30 AM
4:30 PM Riverwalk
12:00 PM Sheraton 5
092 Special Event - SIOP Select: I-O Igniting Innovation
631 Alternative Session: Significant Examples of Bridging the Scientist–Practitioner Gap |
813 A Cross-Cultural Conundrum: Applying Western I-O Around the World
772. Do Agentic Female Leaders Receive Social Backlash from Workers? An Empirical Study.
June 2017
Webinar: Scientific evidence convincingly demonstrates the positive impact of human resource management (HRM) investments on organizational performance. However, HR practitioners and line managers seeking performance gains are likely to rely on anecdotes and 'flavors of the month' for guidance regarding optimally investing in HRM practices and processes. This webinar will help HR professionals, managers, and organizational-psychology students and scholars understand the mechanisms underlying the linkage between various HRM investments and business performance. Prof. Mahesh Subramony will describe the science by linking HRM with performance and provide practical guidelines for putting this knowledge to use.
Thursday, June 1st, at 10 a. m
April, 2017
Join us at a meet-and-greet event organized by COSI at the SIOP annual conference 2017. This will be a great opportunity for us to connect with each other, share updates and ideas. Please RSVP using the following link and also feel free to share this invitation with others who are interested in becoming a part of the COSI movement for evidence-based management in India!
Thursday, April 27th, at 7 p.m. at Europe 3.
February, 2017
Launching COSI's Virtual Events Calendar for 2017! For this year, we choose to shine the spotlight on research and practice around "Leadership" related topics, with special relevance to India. This short 3-minute recording introduces you to COSI and the virtual events plan for the year, and also shows you ways to get engaged.
February, 2017
COSI is proud to present this interesting interview with Dr. David Day on the topic of "Leader and Leadership Development". This podcast represents the spirit of COSI's mission - a wonderful bridge between science and practice, with a focus on actionable insights for IO, OB, OD, and HR practitioners, business leaders as well as students.
David V. Day is Professor of Psychology and Eggert Chair in Leadership at Claremont McKenna College (USA), where he also holds the position of Academic Director of the Kravis Leadership Institute. He is the lead author on An Integrative Approach to Leader Development (Routledge, 2009) and the editor of The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations (Oxford University Press, 2014). He served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Psychology from 2008-2014 and is currently the Associate Editor of The Leadership Quarterly Yearly Review. Prof. Day is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the International Association of Applied Psychology. He is the 2010 recipient of the Walter F. Ulmer Research Award from the Center for Creative Leadership (USA) for outstanding, career-long contributions to applied leadership research.
COSI held a webinar on The Role of I-O Psychology and sharing of I-O Psychologists’ Journeys, featuring Dr. Pradnya Parasher of Three Fish Consulting, Prof. Comila Shahani-Denning of Hofstra University and Dr. Purnima Gopalkrishnan of Aon-Hewitt, in a facilitated conversation with Dr. Aarti Shyamsunder, Independent Consultant and COSI founder.
March, 2016