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COSI Membership Duties:


Membership involves volunteer opportunities including (but are not limited to) the following


i. Distilling I/O and other organizational research into information that can be shared and easily communicated – such as blog posts, white papers, webinars.

a. Creating knowledge products to be disseminated beyond COSI

b. Hosting or conducting a webinar on a topic vetted by the COSI Core Committee


ii. Getting speaking engagements or media opportunities for COSI members to promote the



iii. Monitoring COSI’s social networks/online community portals for violations of Accord


iv. Assisting with data collection/analyses/writing efforts taken on behalf of COSI as a whole (such as the baseline survey)


v. Organizing social, in-person meet-ups, or SIOP receptions on a semi-annual basis or as needed


vi. Serving as COSI’s liaison for the Education sector to promote the mission


vii. Serving as COSI’s liaison for the corporate/business sector to promote the mission


viii. Serving as COSI’s liaison with SIOP, AoM, or other professional organizations with which we seek to associate


In addition, all members are expected to do the following:

1. Share interesting new research or links to stories of interest to COSI members

2. Promote the COSI mission wherever possible

3. Introduce new potential members to COSI

4. Attend as many COSI meetings/events as possible

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